The skeptics say there are already tests being marketed based on unsubstantiated science, like some that help consumers tailor their diets or their skin creams.
The set was test marketed in the cities of Houston, Kansas City, Washington, and Buffalo.
In the lottery, though, it's been test marketed and has not been that successful.
Huggies were first test marketed in 1968, then introduced to the public in 1978.
The album was included among a group of 15 DualDisc releases that were test marketed in two cities: Boston and Seattle.
In all, there have been 11 packings introduced or test marketed in the US, of which 7 are still on the market.
The service began to be test marketed in 2001 and made its official launch in July 2002.
It was test marketed in selected locations throughout North America in 2006, and it received generally favorable press coverage.
Typically, districts and states use tests marketed as having high reliability.
In mid-1977, Philips announced they were considering distribution of the format in North America, and it was test marketed for several months.