In the time frame of this project, we will aim to release one or more molecules that are ready to be tested in clinical studies.
But so far it hasn't been tested in scientific studies, so it's impossible to say whether it really works.
This same side effect makes methylene blue difficult to test in traditional placebo-controlled clinical studies.
Other vitamin regimens are being tested in large studies and the pills may still turn out to be useful.
Despite the study's limitations, the findings are expected to be helpful in generating ideas to test in further studies, the researchers said.
It was invented in the 1950's and never tested in rigorous clinical studies.
As a traditional medicine, many ayurveda products have not been tested in rigorous scientific studies and clinical trials.
The drug, alpha interferon, has been tested in several small studies in recent years.
Grades 3-8 are tested in reading, mathematics, science, social studies, and writing.
And scientists lacked theories about the relation between brain structure and psychological function to test in such studies.