In 2011, the ICC announced that they could revive the historical timeless test format for the final of the championship.
The first ever Test cricket championship is scheduled to be held in 2017, with the final possibly following the historical timeless test format.
The aim is familiarity with the test format and types of questions.
Over time, students tend to do better on a test format with which they become familiar, and intense preparation for the test seems to lift scores slightly.
The code was later incorporated into a program that is currently available on the Web in a test format.
Since the software replicates both the test format and the questions used, it can be useful to predict the actual GRE scores.
The reality is that test-takers can practice on their own to become familiar with the test format and review basic concepts.
The test format reflects persistent calls for tests that go beyond multiple-choice questions, commonly used in standardized tests.
Results for the same items were compared in written and mental test formats.
Some improvement, experts said, is attributable to the tendency of students to perform better on a test format with which they have become familiar.