One aircraft was destroyed and the others finding no buyers were used as test aircraft by the company.
However, a few continued to act as test aircraft into the early 1970s.
Despite this advantage, only one was built, as a test aircraft.
The first aircraft, a test aircraft, is to be converted to production standards at a later date.
The French said progress with the scramjet meant that development of a test aircraft using the jet could begin in 1995.
Four more test aircraft were produced followed with the first production aircraft in 2000.
The report recommended not pursuing a race against the Concorde and instead the effort should focus initially on building a test aircraft for research.
This designation was given to a number of T-33As converted into special test aircraft.
Series of test aircraft, 13 built, serial numbers 42-108771/108783.
For 10 years following this formation in 1923, the squadron was involved in testing new aircraft before they were accepted for service.
Some of the earliest aviation pioneers lost their lives testing aircraft they built.
His duties were to test aircraft and to instruct cadet pilots.
He both designed and tested aircraft, also founding Italy's first flying school at Pordenone in 1910.
This allows it to test aircraft as large as a C-5A.
Through the late 1930s and into the 1940s Summers continued to test numerous aircraft and iron out issues with existing airframes.
In the 1980s Bruener tested experimental aircraft, a gyrocopter, at the site, and used it as his primary residence.
"Our job is to test aircraft, not to tell the constructors how to design them. "
Pangborn remained with Cunliffe-Owen through the late 1930s where he tested military aircraft.
Throughout the 1920s and 1930s Fréjus played a major role in testing new aircraft for the aéronavale.