Psychometrists deal exclusively with quantitative test administration, do not require coursework beyond the bachelor's level, or licensure by a state department of education.
The mean score for the 2009 test administrations was 638, standard deviation 113.
The conversion between these numbers varies depending on the difficulty of a particular test administration.
Clinical psychologists receive extensive training in psychological test administration, scoring, interpretation and reporting.
However, starting in 2006, students were provided an additional test administration during the summer between school years.
A specific test site will be given based on the facilities available and appropriate for test administration.
However, as of the 2009 test administration, the entire grammar portion has been removed to conserve time.
Test-retest reliability assesses the degree to which test scores are consistent from one test administration to the next.
The mean score for the 2006-07 test administrations was 643 with a standard deviation 107.
Information from 2010+ (this list may not be complete or up to date, please add any other known progress test administrations)