A BP report tersely described the results: "No indication of movement."
Possibly in his line of work, which he tersely describes as "preventing, detecting and deterring terrorism at the local level," this display of depersonalization is a personal statement in and of itself.
Based on the real life of a plucky but unlettered Xhosa-speaking black woman, the novel tersely describes a bleak world of fear and deprivation to which most whites were oblivious.
He tersely described the call only as having been "about four or five minutes in length, and too late."
The Music Lovers, which he tersely described as the story of "a homosexual who marries a nymphomaniac", was another hit, despite critical broadsides.
(This is the war that Caesar tersely described veni, vidi, vici.)
When the dispatcher answered, I tersely described the situation and was informed that the grounds of the sorority house were in the campus police department's jurisdiction.
Kurik tersely described the trap which had claimed the two Zemochs.
One woman with a microphone tersely described "the hostage situation," while her assistant stumbled backward and kept the camera aimed at her face.
Managers are sent to training sessions at places like the Walton Institute, described tersely on a company Web site as a place that "teaches our culture," where they role play and hear lectures by senior management.