Rather than accept the loss of the terrorists' markets, European nations defy American requests and laws to reduce investments in terrorist sponsors like Libya and Iran.
As a result, it may choose companies from outside the United States and is required to exclude only those based in countries on the government's short list of terrorist sponsors.
Iran is the world's most aggressive terrorist sponsor.
By now, the terrorist sponsors have supplied terrorism with enough money and training so that some of the killers can rely more on the help they get from supporters in the West, particularly the U.S.
If Serrador turns out to be a terrorist sponsor, we should fight fire with fire.
The Quds Force has been designated as a terrorist sponsor by the US since 2007 for allegedly providing support to the Taliban and other extremist groups.
They were in a nation that was on the shakiest diplomatic terms with America and just recently had been taken off the State Department's list of designated terrorist sponsors.
"All the outbreaks are at places where terrorists or terrorist sponsors have been working on bioweapons," the SEAL said, taking a puff on the cigar.
"To create a Palestinian state before this mindset is changed can only ensure that the new state will be yet another terrorist sponsor."
The firm also brought litigation against the terrorists and individuals and entities it claimed were terrorist sponsors.