Last week, a terrorist raid on a bus and the family quarters of an army camp killed 32 in the region of Jammu.
IDF spokesman stated that the base was used as a supply center and staging base for terrorist raids in Israel.
Jason shouted, and he told her about the terrorist raid, the three dead inside the buildings, the one in the snow.
El Tfo's involvement in the terrorist raid on that base was unclear to Lathrop, but it probably didn't have much importance at this stage, and he hadn't concerned himself with it.
A previously unknown group linked with Palestinians said today that it carried out the terrorist raid on a Greek cruise ship Monday.
Some of the most daring terrorist raids take place on the empire's own home soil.
Moran is working as a freelance reporter when he gets caught up in a terrorist raid on a newly built atomic power plant.
(He was referring to the Kenyan nationalist group that attacked white colonialists in the 1950s with threats, violent rhetoric, and terrorist raids.)
Because he's the only survivor of a terrorist raid on one of the T'ang's installations.
In 1987 Jason Lau helped stage a mock terrorist raid on a synagogue in Atlanta.