By failing to secure and rebuild the country after the invasion, he created a terrorist haven where none had been before.
For the president, the top priority of reconstruction is to ensure that Afghanistan never again becomes a terrorist haven.
Rather, he suggested that the invasion of Iraq had created a terrorist haven where one did not previously exist.
News reports described Paterson as a terrorist haven.
"Is it on Mossad's list of suspected terrorist havens?"
If it's a terrorist haven, then they'll have plenty of places to hide.
Mr. Bush's new doctrine did not commit Washington to immediate action against all terrorist havens.
We need to invest to ensure we are never a terrorist transit point or a terrorist haven.
The government, deeply sensitive about Yemen's reputation as a terrorist haven, does what it can to limit risks.
Americans can't get out, or they risk turning the country into a terrorist haven that will make the old Afghanistan look like Cipriani's.