While John is in the men's room, terrorists crash the party and take the celebrants hostage in an attempt to steal $640 million in bonds from the company's unblowable safe.
He also told Congress that he never imagined that these terrorists would hijack planes and crash them into buildings.
Even if terrorists crashed a Boeing 767 laden with anthrax into a reservoir, the lethal agent might well be destroyed in any resulting fire, or fail to diffuse effectively.
When terrorists crashed two passenger planes into the trade center, Mr. Rainey's wife, a bond trader, lost scores of colleagues.
Two terrorists bore the brunt of the shrapnel and crashed to the ground, taken out of play.
The lawyer, Bernard Nussbaum, said that terrorists crashed two planes into two separate towers, resulting in two fires and the collapse of two buildings, 29 minutes apart.
Five years ago, on Sept. 11, 2001, terrorists crashed two airliners into the World Trade Center.
It is unlikely now, they say, that terrorists could steal an atomic bomb, buy one on the black market or crash a jet into a nuclear reactor to produce a radioactive cloud.
After terrorists crashed two hijacked airplanes into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, people stopped flying and instead took long trips by car.
Over and over since Sept. 11, aviation and security officials have said they were shocked that terrorists had hijacked airliners and crashed them into landmark buildings.