We are now at a "high" level of terrorism alert and are being warned about likely biological or chemical attacks.
The victim, Lee Han Young, is reportedly near death, and South Korea is on a terrorism alert.
The terrorism alert was having little effect on travel plans, travel agents across the city said.
Mr. Bush's fullest explanation was this, offered in a speech in Atlanta on Nov. 8: "A terrorism alert is not a signal to stop your life.
But a terrorism alert is already blotting out memories of last week.
Mrs. Clinton said that the recent two-week terrorism alert had been costly, with the department spending more than $1 million in just four days on overtime and other costs.
We are in the grip of a full-scale terrorism alert.
"A terrorism alert is not a signal to stop your life," he said in a large auditorium in the heart of Atlanta, the South's most economically vibrant city.
A terrorism alert is not a signal to stop your life.
Additional security in New York during the recent terrorism alert is expected to cost the state alone at least $1 million a week.