The government has detained these people for various reasons during the terror investigation and is holding them on immigration charges.
It was not immediately clear how the nine men arrested yesterday were connected to the terror investigation.
Under agreements with their foreign counterparts, the detectives are not armed and cannot be directly involved in terror investigations or participate in enforcement actions.
The police say the rules restrict their terror investigations, and city lawyers want to present their case before the judge in private.
Mr. Ahmed says the domestic terror investigation and its focus on people of Arab descent should be reflected in the museum.
Long before that, the center played a recurring role in various terror investigations.
The Senate Judiciary Committee holds hearings to see whether the terror investigation is violating individuals rights.
None had surfaced before in any terror investigation or in intelligence reports on active terrorist cells.
The ruling was seen as significant because it gave strong backing to a major investigative tool used by law enforcement in the terror investigation.
But in recent years, it has come under scrutiny for its treatment of inmates, particularly those swept up after 9/11 as part of terror investigations.