The area now usually referred to as the West Bank covers a portion of the territory designated by the biblical terms Judea and Samaria.
The worst violence is affecting KwaZulu, a patchwork of 40 pieces of territory designated for the country's Zulu population inside Natal province.
While Transjordan took control of territory designated for the future Arab State, Syrian, Iraqi and Egyptian expeditionary forces attacked Israel without success.
By 1985, Israel retreated from all but a narrow stretch of Lebanese territory designated by Israel as the Israeli Security Zone.
This territory, so designated by the ruling Russians of the time, encompassed most of the Vistula River (Weichsel in German, Wisła in Polish) watershed of central Poland up to just east of Toruń.
Like the Arabic term al-Andalus, in historical contexts the Spanish term Andalucía or the English term Andalusia do not necessarily refer to the exact territory designated by these terms today.
"There is a dialogue going on now with people from the occupied territories, designated by the P.L.O., and the Americans."
Thus, in extensive areas included in the territories designated by some as Països Catalans, Catalan nationalist sentiment is uncommon or nonexistent.
These negotiations continued until the city government decided without warning to retake and expand the territory designated for construction.
A list of the territories designated by order made under this section, together with the conventions to which they are signatories, can be found in Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 46, which can be found on the Office of Public Sector Information website.