This largely unsettled territory constituted nearly half of its claimed territory with about 1% of its then population of about 4,500,000.
He called Palestinians "dogs" and urged their expulsion from all territories constituting the biblical Israel.
The title lasted just a little over one century until 1918, but it was never clear what territory constituted the "Empire of Austria".
While in the Partition Plan about 42% of historic Palestine was destined for the Arabic state, the Palestinian territories constitute only some 23%.
The territories constituted an outlet for surplus or substandard production, with the same elasticity for the economy which Arab labour afforded.
Its territory constituted an ancient menceyato, as the Guanche kingdoms were known, ruled by the mencey Acaymo.
In the UN scheme of geographic regions, 20 territories constitute Eastern Africa:
The territories constituted the newly created Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.
On August 6, the Lithuanian government rejected the plebiscite proposal, stating that the disputed territories constitute ethnographic Lithuania.
Arabs say such a declaration would reinforce the P.L.O.'s belief that the occupied territories constitute a future Palestinian state.