After this month's accidents Bernard Bosson, the French Transport Minister, said he would back new safety regulations beyond the current 12-mile offshore territorial zone.
They are elected for a term of four years under a proportional system intended to guarantee representation to the various territorial zones of Castile-La Mancha.
The Buffalo Sabres may also have demanded compensation although they are out of the 50 mile territorial zone set by the NHL.
The brothers often competed with each other for U.S. aid contracts and the rice trade, but did not interfere with matters in one another's territorial zone.
In theory, there is nothing wrong with adjustments to the peace map to account for new military realities and establish defensible territorial zones.
While Israel's find is within its territorial exclusive economic zone, the dispute stems from the possibility that the gas field spans to Lebanon's boundary.
In season 1992, it consisted of three territorial zones.
Can we manage to take control of one territorial zone?
Until now, only fines, and no prison terms, could be imposed outside the territorial zone.
Chinese officials have called for an end to the flights, which stay outside the 12-mile territorial zone but are near enough to monitor military secrets.