Empire became identified with vast territorial holdings rather than the title of its ruler by the mid-18th century.
Throughout the 14th century, French kings sought to expand their influence throughout the kingdom at the expense of the territorial holdings of the nobility.
World War I enabled Japan, on the side of the victorious Allies, to widen its influence and territorial holdings.
The line had no territorial holdings of its own and as such had no independent standing in the German Empire.
'Manor' comes from the same root- territorial holdings granted toe Roman Empire.
During the war, Israel stopped the combined Arab assault, then launched a series of military offensives and expanded its territorial holdings.
Israel's expanded territorial holdings, with some minor adjustments, were made into boundaries, commonly referred to as the Green Line.
In seeking an empire of liberty, Jefferson wished not only to expand the country's territorial holdings, but also to extend American institutions around the globe.
The demands used the war as a pretense for gaining additional territorial holdings in China.
Archil's territorial holdings had been divided between three heirs; Juansher was one of them.