The street cleared with amazing speed, leaving only John in the neighborhood of the terrifying weapon.
Japan, however struck back with a terrifying new weapon - the Kamikaze attack.
Victory required the development of terrifying weapons.
Indeed, the .357 was such a terrifying weapon that for ten years only qualified marksmen were allowed to carry them.
For exposed troops at the front lines, Iraq's ordinary big cannons, not its missiles or chemicals, are the most terrifying weapons.
She touched the computer controls and changed the scene from massive stockpiles of terrifying weapons to another, more fantastic landscape.
If approved, we may be furnishing a terrifying weapon to a present or future enemy.
Used together, they were a terrifying weapon.
There are no hands responsible enough for these terrifying, apocalyptic weapons we have armed ourselves with.
It's also a terrifying weapon, with nearly unlimited destructive power.