She was no longer a scared young bride trapped in a terrifying and incomprehensible situation, but then, she never had been.
"They've come out of a terrifying situation, and just when they thought themselves safer, were met by more frightening people."
He doesn't remember, Will thought as he lunged at the forward controls, and somehow that made this crazy situation all the more terrifying.
Even so, he was struck by her beauty and self-possession in a terrifying situation.
People who emerge from terrifying situations sometimes look for ways to gain control, to limit their feelings of vulnerability.
Little did Camby know that within weeks he, too, would be involved in a terrifying criminal situation.
Although a few adults laughed and joked among themselves, Deanna sensed their efforts at making the best of a terrifying situation.
Harry's mind seemed strangely bewildered, in the midst of this terrifying situation.
It occurred to her that she might be dreaming up the terrifying situation.
Mr. King is a master at whipping up a terrifying situation.