The almost terrifying silence that followed was broken by a sardonic chuckle from Vance.
The roar faded almost as fast as it came and left a terrifying silence in its wake.
The explosion was loud, but only for a split second, and then immense and terrifying silence swallowed him.
There was a silence-a terrifying silence that froze Janet's blood-until she heard her daughter's voice.
It mounts, silent in the terrifying silence, and drips venom.
And then in the terrifying dull silence someone's steps sounded.
Then she woke, and found herself alone on a country road in her thin nightgown, in the terrifying silence of the night.
He longed for somebody out there to curse, or even fire a few bolts at the house, to break the terrifying silence.
No answer came back, just terrifying silence.
For hours, they had disappeared into the mist of busy signals, overloaded circuits and terrifying silence.