Suddenly Alhana felt a strange and terrifying sensation - as though the world had ceased to turn.
And a terrifying sensation it was.
He tensed, alarmed, panicked by the terrifying sensation, yet unable to move a muscle to combat it.
Kelly had the terrifying sensation of flying through the air, followed by a bump that tossed packages of the flimsy gloves all around her.
For a second, he suffered a terrifying sensation of falling as the world spun madly around him.
But as the fog cleared, he had a sudden, terrifying sensation of leaning out over the edge of a cliff.
It had been a terrifying sensation, yet oddly compelling.
To be so completely controlled would have been a terrifying sensation, if there had been enough of him left to feel terror.
It was the most terrifying sensation I'd ever known in my life.
His whole being was focused on the devastating, terrifying sensation of being alone, for the first time in twelve years.