He wore a terrifying mask that looked like evil incarnate, a leering demon's face, meant to frighten the guilty.
It seemed like it took conscious effort, but slowly that terrifying mask melted away and his own face emerged-his eyes still icy cold.
Gary a.k.a The Hooded Fang The professional wrestler with the terrifying mask and bad guy image.
His face, concealed by the night as much as revealed by moonlight, was a terrifying mask of harsh planes and angles.
She was probably planning to get another truly terrifying mask at the same store for this Halloween.
Except for last Halloween, when she wore that terrifying mask.
His face was a terrifying mask of cruelty; the ferocity that gloats over the agony of a weaker thing shone in his eyes.
They wear terrifying masks and helmets of iron, bearing iron swords and wooden shields.
Katherine's expression was a mask, a terrifying rigid mask.
A terrifying armoured mask confronted him.