"You suggest that terrifying beast for the child's nurse?"
It broke on the second chomp - "Jurassic Park" and "Jaws" in the same terrifying beast.
Confronting him was the snarling face of the most terrifying beast he had ever seen.
The owner of the castle, a terrifying beast, appeared, furious that Huston would steal from him after his hospitality.
"It's just we were both so ready for some terrifying beast and then ... " She hiccupped.
It was thrilling to ride this mad, terrifying beast.
Now this terrifying beast has accidentally been set free, and its hunger for vengeance knows no bounds.
Around it were arrayed in a perfect triangle three terrifying beasts carved of some stone I could not identify.
The ants, worms and lizards we often caught and played with as kids have become terrifying beasts.
This enrages the castle's owner - a terrifying beast.