Nothing had prepared me for such marvelous digs or for the terrific meals that came with them.
They make a terrific meal with an excellent house salad ($4.95) and perhaps a tiramisu ($4.25) for dessert.
Not all that long ago, Las Vegas used to offer terrific meals at ridiculously low prices, too.
I'm ashamed to admit it after such a terrific meal, but I'm still hungry.
It's not a free ride or a handout, it's honest work for an terrific hot meal.
In a Chinese restaurant on the south side of Williamsburg, after a terrific meal, it was indeed.
A day of strenuous museum going can fill one with longing, either for a nap or a terrific meal.
It is possible to have a terrific meal here, but it is just as likely to have a dreary one.
After a terrific exotic meal, we walked to another bus line and returned to our hotel.
Recently we had a terrific meal.