I could never make up for the terrible wrongs I had done.
We Poles do not seek revenge for the terrible wrongs that have been done us.
They ate spaghetti and drank wine and talked and talked, especially about politics, how it was imperative that the terrible wrongs in the world be righted.
Even Islamic suicide bombers believe they are redressing terrible wrongs done to their people and their beliefs, and that this justifies their actions.
Prosecutors have so much power that if they use it carelessly or callously, terrible wrongs can happen.
There was no judgment day, no final explanation, no luminous moment in which all terrible wrongs would be made right, all horrors redeemed.
The bishop apologized to the victims in his 82-parish diocese "for the terrible wrongs inflicted on you in the past."
Through all that I did,' she continued, 'all the terrible wrongs I did you, you never hurt me.
This leads to terrible wrongs.
The terrible wrongs of the past were stronger than the Christian commandment to forgive.