The engine roared again with terrible suddenness, deafening.
Then, with terrible suddenness, his breath came short and a great pain clutched at his chest.
'Father,' said Jim with a terrible suddenness, 'what do you know of evil?'
It must be the Spanish blood that makes you all fall in love with such terrible suddenness.
The Old Guard was doomed, the liberals were terrorized and the Underground had emerged, with terrible suddenness, on a very serious power trip.
And perhaps worst of all, I recall the terrible suddenness of the change.
The terrible sound of agony cut off with even more terrible suddenness, and the world cartwheeled and spun and shook about her in a lightning nightmare that somehow seemed to last forever.
Rosie saw one thing she didn't like much, however, something that flashed her back to the bad old days with terrible and unexpected suddenness: blood.
This terrible suddenness of attack commonly kills the victim on the instant.
Then all at once, with terrible suddenness, the light about him shot upward with the noise of a loud splash; a frightful roaring was in his ears, and all was cold and dark.