Three editors have done it to him on a single book, among other terrible occurrences.
It is derived from a Swahili term for "disaster, terrible occurrence or great tragedy".
When it was over, New Yorkers looked up, shook it off and moved on to other terrible occurrences.
Thus I remembered a very terrible occurrence of my youth which resulted in the death of one who was most dear to me.
To mark the terrible occurrence, a memorial remembering those who died around that time was constructed.
The leg lost to the whale is only the latest and most terrible occurrence in a lifetime of sinister occurrences.
Possession is a terrible occurrence, if the Laymil had a solution we should not stint in our efforts to locate it.
The years went by, and when the two children were 8 years old, there was a terrible occurrence in the western capital.
It's that nearly everyone realizes now that some terrible occurrence is possible.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have chosen to speak in the language of the country in which this terrible occurrence took place.