The desperate defense of Lipari is no match for the terrible havoc caused by the Muslim cannonade, and the defenders surrender.
From this distance it seemed unchanged, but Cal knew that terrible havoc had been wreaked there.
I'm the only one at this table who witnessed the terrible havoc the fire created on the Emerald Dolphin.
And they did not know why The Monster was wreaking such terrible havoc.
They do not fear death, they came on, despite the terrible havoc wreaked in their ranks.
Even one tway with a Cohe can wreak terrible havoc.
Some mad whittler had got to work on it, Rincewind decided, and had created terrible havoc before he could be dragged away.
Tom shuddered at the thought of such terrible havoc.
Fifty years ago a series of great fires took place, which made terrible havoc on five separate occasions.
"People still continue to harbor the same feelings of prejudice, intolerance which I had seen wreak such terrible havoc back home," he said.