It was difficult in the dark, and under the crushing weight of terrestrial gravity, to find his way out.
It followed a circuitous route, returning three years ago to the vicinity of Earth to use the force of terrestrial gravity for a change in trajectory.
Morbidly conscious as he was of terrestrial gravity, Duncan could only look on these courageous artists with awe-struck admiration.
Still, it was refreshing to know that someone in the terrestrial gravity well occasionally wanted a product from Mars, instead of the other way around.
It is a force as real as terrestrial gravity.
They are described as sluggish, being weighted by terrestrial gravity heavier than that of Mars.
Clementine is supposed to loop around Earth, using terrestrial gravity to change its trajectory for the asteroid mission.
A goat can leap pretty well even in terrestrial gravity; in one-third gee they begin to seem more like large birds than mammals.
One day (maybe) the tank would be full of water and the pumps would be hurling it up high overhead, six times higher than terrestrial gravity had permitted.
"Sixty-seven percent of standard terrestrial gravity," the ship responded.