On a terraced hill around three kilometres from the town a spa house (Kurhaus) was built.
Even if they can get into a wheelchair, how will they survive in the terraced hills back home?
The structure was built on a natural terraced hill, absorbed in a big park which dominate all the town.
There were paths up the terraced hill which led to more woodniks and activities.
The low light fell on red roofs, terraced hills, and on the final peak where Jerusalem stood.
It was built on a terraced hill (Pearson, 1997).
People came from miles around to see his roses, which grew up a terraced hill, with the mountains as a backdrop.
The terraced hills look beautiful with the wide variety of food crops and forest cover.
The castle is of triangular layout and stands on a terraced hill.
Across the valley was a cluster of terraced white hills.