Dufy set up his easel at the Hôtel La Pérouse and, 80 years later, its terrace view of the capital of the Côte d'Azur is still magical.
Upstairs at the Bat Centre, with terrace views over the docks, this restaurant serves taste-tempting meals from Madagascar to Morocco.
The terrace view also tells some New Yorkers that perhaps they are not as smart or soigne as they think.
It takes that long to figure out that moving up to a terrace view of the park is a set-up for a big loss when the best price you can get won't cover your mortgage.
Photos by Jed Devine show details of stonework, architectural elements, fountain and terrace views.
Beer or wine is $2.60 a glass; the terrace view across Hauraki Gulf to the volcanic cone of Rangitoto Island is free.
Michelle Garnaut slots her latest piece into place with perfect terrace views overlooking Qianmen.
H Map This large hotel overlooking the medina sports the best terrace view and is good for a pre-prandial drink.
But the pièce de résistance is the wrap-around outdoor terrace commanding million-dollar views of Central that will surely get you high, even if the famed crunch cake doesn't.
La Panacea del Bartolini is another Fiesolan restaurant with a remarkable terrace view of the hill country and its lush vineyards.