Finally, the Captain-Leader transmits a termination signal to Me,us.
A termination signal is found at the end of the part of the chromosome being transcribed during transcription of mRNA.
The beginning part is started at the promoter and then ended at the termination signal.
By default, the message sent is the termination signal, which requests that the process exit.
J appears to act as a termination signal for RNA polymerase II.
(The computer even snorted something at one point about "sending termination signals," then bombed.)
This prolonged activity may have to do with impaired function of the basal ganglia, which is thought to send a termination signal to the SMA.
The location of the T7 transcriptional initiation and termination signals are marked by open boxes containing arrows to indicate the direction of expression.
One such mutation is a cytosine to thymine transition at base pair 1342 in exon 10 that causes a substitution at Arg448 for a termination signal.
The termination signal is the only signal that cannot be handled.