His term as governor of Hong Kong spanned its transition from a backwater trading post to a fledgling economic powerhouse.
The term is used to refer to different time spans in different parts of Eurasia.
Roe is often relied on as a Michigan GOP historian, and is associated with the moderate "Milliken Republicans," named for the former governor whose term in office spanned all of Roe's stint as GOP state director.
The three former Mayors, whose consecutive terms spanned two decades, seemed to enjoy their slightly mischievous return to City Hall.
His term as Speaker spanned from March 1962 to June 1968.
Carnell's term spanned the time under which Newfoundland was a Crown colony of the United Kingdom after the Dominion government had gone bankrupt and collapsed.
The Senate's term spanned from November 27, 1917 - May 27, 1918.
But, the four presidential terms spanning the period from 1800 to 1817 "did little to advance the cause of states' rights and much to weaken it."
Officers are elected annually and term of service spans three years with new members nominated by the Board Committee.
Later, they were called "Clifford algebras" in his honor, but now that term spans algebras over other fields than the real numbers.