The terms inside the parentheses are processed first as a unit and then incorporated into the overall strategy.
Works rules, custom and practice, and some terms in collective agreements can all be incorporated.
At first instance the judge held the term putting the cost of recovery on the hirer was not incorporated.
An individual term may be ineffective in law; or the terms as a whole may not have been incorporated into the contract in question.
If there has been previous trading between the same parties it may be possible to establish that the terms are incorporated by a course of dealing.
This may give rise to dispute where terms are incorporated by reference to some other document, as in the examples above.
The defendants denied liability and the Court of Appeal held that the term in question was not incorporated into the contract.
Contract formation - ensure that terms and conditions are incorporated at the time the contract is concluded.
Once it is established which terms are incorporated into an agreement, their meaning must be determined.
These terms were often incorporated into the unit titles.