Like tactical analysis, target analysts combine all of the Intelligence "Ints" in order to provide decision makers with a long term forecast on arising issues and possible concerns.
Strategic planning, because of its greater time horizon, must rely on long term forecasts and is therefore more uncertain.
I know because I used to do them and once wrote a paper identifying a huge standard error in various long term forecasts.
Longer term forecasts predict a steady increase of global GHG emissions of around 3% a year over the next decade.
The differential equations can be used in conjunction with statistical methods to provide short term forecasts.
White showed that using neural networks with 500 days of IBM stock was unsuccessful in terms of short term forecasts.
Long term forecasts are made based on these effects.
I can't help thinking that most long term forecasts are hopes rather than realistic predictions.
A Special Weather Statement may also be issued to indicate any potentially hazardous situation in the long term forecast.
Advisories may also be issued for potentially hazardous weather in the long term forecast.