The term does not convey the extent to which the different elements in the package depend on each other for the viability of the whole.
The terms "day care" and "child care" do not convey the educational aspects, although many childcare centers use more educational approaches.
These terms also convey the idea that our nature has many qualities that make it perfect.
"A term like 'America' conveys all sorts of meanings, so it is generic in that sense."
I do not work in the area of "somatic cell nuclear transfer," but this term conveys to me the central feature of that technique.
The term conveys similar connotations to the term peer victimization.
The term "virtually certain" conveys that there is a greater than 99% chance that a result is true.
In fact the very term "man date," while cute, conveys the notion that this is abnormal.
Many veterinarians use different terms to convey what is meant by holistic.
Although seemingly synonymous, each term conveys more than nuances or slightly different views of the same thing.