However, the term usually connotes an intent to belittle or condescend.
At the time, the term connoted drastic action by bankers as a last resort in order to avert financial collapse.
In American English, the term also connotes "a person who is conspicuously talented or successful".
Strictly speaking, the term connotes an attitude towards the gods (one of hatred) rather than making a statement about their nature.
While the term 'American Revolution' connotes only the war period (1776-1783), the entire colonial experience is included.
This form of pessimism is not an emotional disposition as the term commonly connotes.
Popularly associated with the attitude of the church, the term connotes a belief that such behavior is sinful.
A fraternity is a brotherhood, though the term usually connotes a distinct or formal organization.
The term connotes a level of scarcity or exclusivity.
The term, as I employ it, connotes the negative.