The basic meaning of the term "art" has changed several times over the centuries, and has continued to evolve during the 20th century as well.
One could similarly dismiss the term "sound art" as just a vaguely glorified name for weird music.
The latter two terms, and especially the term computer-generated art are mostly used for visual artworks generated by computers.
He is the one who resists "the 'g' word" and prefers the term "aerosol art."
The usage of the term "military art" has evolved since the middle of the 19th century.
A. Both the term fine arts and crafts are moving targets; there are no hard-and-fast differences.
The term populist art, often applied to Moses' work, carries value judgments.
As one might expect, these terms can have multiple and even controversial connotations but are often used interchangeably with the term "folk art".
The general term art, and particularly the technical arts have some overlap with science, in this latter sense.
"The term Haitian art to a considerable extent is basically a wonderful marketing label," he said.