Later on, the term acquired further implications, most notably that of femme fatale.
In some circles, especially political ones, this term acquired a pejorative characteristic.
Words associated with women are sexualized so that apparently equivalent terms acquire very different meanings.
The term has since acquired rhetorical value as a phrase that is used to protest against the destruction of cultural heritage.
The term, like so many other 19th century medical terms, acquired pejorative connotations as it became used in lay speech.
They found the term had acquired a loaded political meaning:
Later the term acquired a narrower meaning, to refer only to those who prefer the transient way of life.
In the 10th century, the term acquired a more technical sense, when it was given to several high-ranking commanders.
Over time these terms acquired distinct connotations leading to the present difference in definition.
At some point, probably under Hadrian (r. 117-38), the term acquired a very different meaning.