The show is tentatively known as Seder on Sundays and I am excited to get it started.
The channel was then tentatively known as CITY News (Toronto), and was initially set to launch in late 2009.
Coincidentally with the state rediscovering its park system, a new organization, tentatively known as Friends of Gillette, is being formed.
Two undescribed species of Glossogobius (tentatively known as "new sp.
Perodua organised a competition in 1997 to find a new corporate logo, to be launched together with their upcoming model, tentatively known as the X555.
Unlike many supernovae, the progenitor star is tentatively known: an extremely large, very bright blue star, similar to Eta Carinae.
Prior to opening, this station was tentatively known as Yeongdong Station.
The venue, scheduled to open in 2014, is tentatively known as Arena 92.
The channel was tentatively known as Wisdom: Canada's Body, Mind & Spirit Channel.
Formerly, it was tentatively known as CityPlace Park.