Mr. Bakker has a tentative theory about the genesis of modern Santa Fe style.
We're still investigating a tentative theory, Your Highness.
This is a tentative theory but" They passed into a deep cut and lost the rest.
Fermi first submitted his "tentative" theory of beta decay to the famous science journal Nature, which rejected it for being "too speculative."
His tentative but improbable theory was correct; indeed, there was really no alternative explanation.
Her tentative theory came into being, fragile as a new grape in spring.
He takes her through his tentative theory of the multiple Moons.
The tentative theory I had briefly considered in Cairo was now strengthened.
After all-" "Our tentative theory is that the basic crystal fragment encountered the core material at some time, and gathered it in.
Healer Tinamon, assisting, put forward a tentative theory.