But the Governor and legislative leaders have had only tentative talks on such a trade.
Reports had suggested that Thursday's meeting would include tentative talks over finding the man to fill the void left by the death of manager Speed at his family home in Cheshire on Sunday.
We're in tentative talks about maybe putting MN8 back together and doing a tour.
The rest of us said little - the kind of tentative, exploratory talk that old acquaintances, too long separated, are likely to engage in.
The release in late 2008 of several opposition activists prompted a slight loosening of EU and US sanctions, and tentative talk of a thaw in relations with the West.
But tentative talks have suffered repeated setbacks.
Over the past six months Washington has held tentative talks with Pyongyang officials in Beijing.
I can still recall even the physical feeling of those first tentative talks.
There is tentative talk of that kind among military officials supervising the child-care arrangments for families on the way to the gulf.
However, he said, the city has held tentative talks about aiding private developers on the east side of Journal Square, a plan that would probably require that the area be declared blighted.