The tentative solution would require some expensive contortions and compromises in the design of the building that is to replace 7 World Trade Center.
Every individual in the population is the encoded version of a tentative solution.
Iteratively, the probabilistic application of variation operators on selected individuals guides the population to tentative solutions of higher quality.
The problem was far too confusing, and I could not arrive at even a tentative solution.
Popper demonstrates how knowledge grows by guesses or conjectures and tentative solutions, which must then be subjected to critical tests.
The most frequent set of pairs is then presented as a tentative solution, which is then attempted.
But spokesmen for both the company and the agency said today that they were discussing the problem and that a tentative solution had been found.
Few races had made so many mistakes in so short a time, or tried so many tentative solutions to hopeless problems.
When a tentative solution emerged, it was Naomi Gray's suggestion.
Out of that confusion, I try to make some tentative solutions.