They fanned out again, tensely awaiting the dragon's attack.
Its characters are an assortment of British soldiers tensely awaiting a German assault.
All were tensely awaiting the decision concerning the funds of the estate.
It also means that a hidden campaign is now in full swing: debate preparation is all, as we tensely await relaxed demeanors.
While we buried those the Romans had slain, I tensely awaited news from Cenabum, word from Rix, information about Caesar, and possible reprisals.
Through the grid door of the cage he saw that Ras Tschubai and Pucky were just as tensely awaiting the decisive moment as he was.
In any case, in a few minutes it would be eight o'clock Mountain Daylight Time and the people of the world tensely awaited the next hourly update.
Publishers Weekly also said it had "complex characters" and the "audience will tensely await the inevitable."
The countdown dragged by while they tensely awaited the results.
The warden, Joseph Petrovsky, quickly agreed to this, and late last night officials tensely awaited word on a possible surrender.