Except for their tense breathing, it was as if each had withdrawn inside his own shell, ignoring the other.
The fade of those passing footsteps had allowed him to hear a closer sound - a tense, slow breathing that seemed no more than inches from his elbow.
He had heard the bumping and the thumping and the tense breathing even as he picked occasional china from his person.
The faint haze of that poisonous vapor had already been sucked unconsciously into Frick's nose and mouth by his tense breathing.
There was just tense breathing and the faint rumble of the building underneath it.
And so they waited, watching the void in a silence broken only by tense breathing and the whispered sigh of settling dust.
In the lifeless night silence of Rakatan, Uhura could hear the tense breathing of the man beside her.
The apartment was quiet, except for the smooth rustle of Esmeralda's negligee, and their tense and excited breathing.
Only the sound of tense breathing, and the distant cough of a wild dog filled the still air of the village.
The faint rumble of these force fields was the only sound, except for his tense breathing.