A tense battle between Pelias' forces and the heroes follows.
The game developed into an extremely tense battle with no side taking a substantial lead.
After a tense battle they manage to escape on a helicopter and finally locate the bomb which is now in Syria.
Their opponents in the final were a foursome that had faced a tense battle every day.
Most players expect a tense battle, with the outcome decided by the final few singles matches on Sept. 20.
The college, she said, was nearly "shattered by the budget crisis" and the tense battle to restore financing.
Finally the truth prevails, but not before a tense battle between the two.
Several here said such a tense battle did not bode well for party unity.
After a tense battle Kilkenny emerged victorious by a solitary point.
Any mistake could cost them the competition so with the pressure firmly on, it is a tense and thrilling battle.