He suspected a strong inherited tendency existed for muscles to respond, or not respond, to training.
These tendencies are not mutually exclusive, and might exist simultaneously in the same individual.
The tendencies exist in very many people to a greater extent than they are prepared to admit and sexual fantasy abounds with sado-masochistic components.
(The corresponding figure for this fault as ascribed to men was 1 per cent- the tendency does exist in some.)
I cannot avoid the conviction that no innate tendency to progressive development exists.
These tendencies, he is keen to point out, exist side by side within countries, even within the same person.
This is somewhat different from the situation in Upper Silesia where strong autonomistic tendencies still exist.
This beneficent tendency, omnipotent without violence, exists and works.
The terms are harsher in the more popular arts, but the tendency exists through the whole range.
So, all the asuric tendencies are inferior and mostly exist as illusions in the mind.