Their home is surrounded by gardens they tend together.
Songs with similar elements tended to group together in clusters, she said.
The men tended to group together at one end of the room, the women at the other.
When they finally leave the nest, they tend to group together away from the adult population.
Except for being told that women who lived together tended to bleed at the same time, it was all repetition.
Young children attending preschool together tend to meet many of these criteria.
We tend to lump all bad films together, without the slightest respect for the individual differences that make them what they are.
Also, they will often tend to clump together to talk as the ball may not come to them for a while.
And the two words together tend to bring me out in a cold sweat.
Societies that have decided to share the bill together tend to do better than others under most other measures of human progress.