The remainder of the serf's time was devoted to tending his own fields, crops and animals in order to provide for his family.
More creatures like these moved about among the houses, or tended crops, or worked among the trees.
Six staff members tended crops and machinery, and four volunteers harvested a field of cabbage for donation to a food bank.
Women did most of that, historically, tending crops while the men went out to hunt.
He is a month behind tending his soybeans, wheat and other crops.
The men hunt and fight from horseback, while the women tend crops.
Farmer Moties tend crops, which grow on whatever land is not covered by buildings or roads.
People are bitten when they step on this sluggish snake at night, or when tending crops by day.
It wasn't a skill you needed to tend crops or herd sheep.
You cannot have apprentice astrologers out tending crops in the fields like common laborers.