As part of the application process, tenants sign a release allowing the authority to monitor school attendance.
By the time they got finished negotiating terms, the tenant would have signed someplace else.
Among the conditions are that large tenants - more than 50 employees - must sign leases running at least 10 years.
Smaller tenants must sign leases running at least 5 years.
Since then, nine tenants have signed leases of 10 to 20 years, including four that are already open on street level.
On Feb. 5 its tenants met and signed a petition opposing the move.
That would be $4,000 a month - if the tenant will sign on for 10 years.
Since then, 14 nonprofit tenants have signed leases for some 116,000 square feet of space.
So far, no tenants have signed on for the space.
Eight tenants have signed on for all of the space at the project, which will cost a total of $25 million to develop.