At her building, each new tenant gives an initial $200 donation to the playroom, and parents are also asked to donate toys.
The landlord has invested capital in the land, and the tenants give their labor.
Panel members cannot inspect a property unless the tenant or tenants give their consent.
In some cases the tenant will give a bonus at the end if you do a particularly good job.
But these tenants have gone and given the present economy, it is likely that offices will eventually be housed in the building's ground-floor spaces.
The tenant, said the handyman, gave the key "to some of his girlfriends."
Both landlord and tenant can give evidence at this hearing.
But a tenant acting as a sub-landlord can't give any more than he's got himself.
Many tenants eventually are worn down by the pressure and give in, the lawyers say.
The tenant planted, harvested the grain, made the wine, and gave half of everything to the owner.